This guide will primarily be useful for chemists but may come in handy to any player and especially traitors.
You have all sorts of things here, and can make so much. You can make medicines, foam, flash powder, poisons, space lube, and so much more. The limit on combinations is a limit that exists only in your creativity (and the game engine). Be sure to be careful though, mixing the wrong chemicals can be bad for your health and please make sure you know what a chemical does before you use it. Experiment at your own risk. (CREDIT TO THE BAYSTATION12 WIKI)
Row 1
Row 1
Row 1
Alumnium |
Carbon |
Copper |
Ethanol |
Hydrogen |
Iron |
Mercury |
Nitrogen |
Phosphorus |
Potassium |
Sulphuric acid |
Silicon |
Sugar |
Sulfur |
These are some sample formulas for you chemists out there, ask about in game to learn more! Experimentation can be dangerous, or rewarding.
Pharmaceutical chemicals can usually be identified by a light pink-ish color.
The vast majority of chemicals you will be called on to make. Typically, a small amount of each should be kept on hand. Assuming the medical team is not incompetent, they should be able to keep everyone alive and quite healthy with your assistance. Underlined ingredients are not in the dispenser. (This list includes Unbound travels-specific chemicals)
Formula: 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Dylovene -> 2 part Alkysine
Used for treating brain damage. Slighly lessens the pain. Metabolizes at 0.05 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Silicon, 1 part Nitrogen, 1 part Potassium -> 3 part Dylovene
A broad-spectrum anti-toxin. Heals toxin damage; will also shorten the durations of drug-related hallucinations and sleepiness, and remove toxic substances in the blood. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Does not overdose.
Formula: 1 part Hyronalin, 1 part Hydrogen -> 2 parts Arithrazine
A very unstable medication used to treat the most extreme cases of radiation poisoning. It works faster than Hyronalin, but will cause some brute damage to the patient (including to the patient's cybernetic limbs). Such damage is very mild at low doses and easily treated at higher doses. It can also treat toxic damage, but not as effective as Dylovene. Metabolizes at 0.05 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Carbon -> 2 parts Bicaridine
An analgesic which is highly effective at treating brute damage. It is useful for stabilizing people who have been severely beaten, as well as treating less life-threatening injuries. A (poisonous) overdose will gradually slow internal bleeding. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Dexalin, 1 part Water, 1 part Oxygen -> 3 parts Cryoxadone
Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all standard types of damage very swiftly, but only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). Heals clone damage slowly, such as caused by cloning or Slimes. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Does not overdose.
Formula: 1 part Bicaridine, 1 part Water, 1 part Oxygen -> 3 parts Cervaline
Halts the effects of organ rejection, but does not prevent it from re-occuring. Very long lasting, metabolising at 0.005 units per tick. Overdoses at 30 units. Unique to Unbound Travels.
Formula: 1 part Cryoxadone, 1 part Sodium, 0.1 parts Phoron, 5 units Phoron (catalyst) -> 2 parts Clonexadone, 5 units Phoron
Heals standard damage the same as Cryoxadone. This chemical reforms clones much faster then Cryoxadone. This includes damage done by Slimes. Best used in cryo cells. Only works in temperatures under 170K (usually this means cryo cells). The lower the temperature, the better it works.
Formula: 1 part Kelotane, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Phosphorus -> 3 parts Dermaline
Used for treating burns, works faster than Kelotane. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 15 units.
Formula: 2 part Oxygen, 0.1 parts Phoron, 5 units Phoron (catalyst) -> 1 part Dexalin, 5 units Phoron
Used for treating oxygen deprivation; slowly heals suffocation damage. In most cases where it is likely to be needed, the strength of Dexalin Plus will probably be more useful. Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Dexalin Plus
Formula: 1 part Dexalin, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Iron -> 3 parts Dexalin Plus
Used in treatment of extreme cases of oxygen deprivation. It immediately counters all oxygen loss and is useful to keep lung injury patients stable during surgery. Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 15 units.
Formula: 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Carbon -> 3 parts Ethylredoxrazine
Neutralises alcohol in the blood stream. Though it is commonly needed, it is rarely requested. When combined with ethanol, it produces water. It also threats dizziness, sleepiness, and stuttering. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Sugar, 1 part Phosphorous, 1 part Sulphur
A highly effective, long lasting muscle stimulant. It allows greater freedom of movement in bulky clothing. Side effects include twitching, nervousness, and psychological addiction. Metabilizes at 0.03 units per tick. Overdose is 15 units.
Formula: 1 part Radium, 1 part Dylovene -> 2 parts Hyronalin
Basic treatment for radiation damage. Reduces radiation damage more slowly than Arithrazine, but without its painful side effects. Does nothing against toxic damage. Metabolizes at 0.05 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Dylovene -> 2 parts Imidazoline
For treating eye trauma. It heals damage caused by physical or chemical trauma, though it is ineffective in treating genetic defects in the eyes. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Sugar -> 3 parts Inaprovaline
Inaprovaline is a cardiac and synaptic stimulant. Commonly used to stabilize patients - it stops the rate of decline in a patient's body if it has reached 0% or lower. Weak painkiller. Metabolizes at 0.1 units per tick. Overdose is 60 units.
Formula: 1 part Silicon, 1 part Carbon -> 2 parts Kelotane
Treats burn damage effectively, preventing microbial growth and vastly speeding up healing of even full thickness burns. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Silicon, 1 part Copper, 5 units Phoron (catalyst) -> 2 parts Leporazine, 5 units Phoron
Stabilizes a patient's body temperature. Can be used to bring down a high fever before antibiotics kick in, or to raise the temperature of a hypothermia patient. Metabolizes at 0.2 units per tick. Overdose is 30 units.
Formula: 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Tramadol; 1 part Phoron (Catalyst)
Makes 1 part. An effective and very addictive painkiller. Overdose at 20.
Formula: 1 part Tramadol, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water
Most probably know this as Tylenol, but this chemical is a mild, simple painkiller. Overdose at 60.
Formula: 1 part Bicardine, 1 part Clonexadone, 5 units Phoron (catalyst)
Used to encourage recovery of internal organs and nervous systems; will restore damage to internal organs, including mending ruptured lungs. (Results in one unit instead of two.)
Formula: 1 part CarpoToxin, 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Copper
A powder derived from fish toxin, this substance can effectively treat genetic damage in humanoids without the use of cryo, though excessive consumption has side effects.
Formula: 1 part Arithrazine, 1 part Carbon
Repairs disabilities due to genetic damage. One unit is enough.
Formula: 1 part Cryptobiolin, 1 part Inaprovaline
A theta-lactam antibiotic. A common and very useful medicine, effective against many diseases likely to be encountered in space. Slows progression of diseases. Treats infections.
Formula: 1 part Lithium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Water
Synaptizine is toxic, but treats hallucinations, paralysis, and stunned or weakened patients. It is metabolized very slowly. One unit is enough to treat hallucinations; five units will cause dangerous poisoning; ten units is deadly.
Formula: 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Oxygen
A simple, yet effective painkiller. Very effective for patients in shock.
Formula: 1 part Inaprovaline, 1 part Dylovene
Originally derived from Cordrazine; will heal all damage types. Often used in a wide range of applications. The healing effect is weak, but as with Dylovene, there is no danger of overdose.
These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous.
Formula: 3 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen
An effective fertilizer which is better than what is available to the botanist initially, though it isn't as powerful as Diethylamine (Results in 3 units instead of 4).
Chloral Hydrate
Formula: 1 part Ethanol, 3 parts Chlorine, 1 part Water
A powerful sedative which causes death in doses around 15 units (effect is countered by anti toxin) (Results in 1 units instead of 5).
Formula: 1 part Chloral Hydrate, 4 parts sugar
A less powerful sedative that takes a while to work. Is safe in large quantities. Can be counteracted with Dylovene.
Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar
Causes confusion and dizziness on its own, but is an essential component of Spaceacillin.
Formula: 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Ethanol
A very potent fertilizer.
Virus Food
Formula: 1 part Milk, 1 part Water, 1 part Oxygen
Used in Virology as a growth medium. Available from a wall dispenser in Virology.
Formula: 1 part Uranium, 1 part Iron
This reacts immediately on mixing. It creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices, including prosthetic limbs, eyes, and hearts. The more reagents you use, the more powerful the EMP will be.
Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Water
This explodes immediately on mixing, which may knock you over or even kill you. Only useful in grenade production.
Flash Powder
Formula: 1 part Sulphur, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Potassium
Creates a flash similar to that of a flashbang immediately on mixing. Only useful in grenade production.
Foaming Agent
Formula: 1 part Lithium, 1 part Hydrogen
Makes foam such as that required in metal foam grenades (Results in 1 unit instead of 2).
Foam Surfactant
Formula: 2 parts Fluorine, 2 parts Carbon, 1 part Sulphuric Acid.
Creates a large cloud of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water.
Formula: 3 parts Corn Oil, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
Requires blended corn, available from the botanist. This is only useful in other reactions (Results in 1 unit instead of 4).
Formula: 1 part Mercury, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Sugar
A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions. Causes massive brain damage (Results in 2 units instead of 3).
Formula: 1 part Chloral Hydrate, 1 part Mercury, 1 part Nitrogen
A powerful, yet highly illegal poison which is lethal in sufficient doses. Unique to Unbound Travels. (Results in 2 units instead of 3).
Formula: 1 part Phoron, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Nitrogen
Temporarily stops respiration and causes tissue damage. Large doses are fatal, and will cause people to pass out very quickly.
Formula: 1 part Salt, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Radium
Causes weight loss upon consumption (lowers satiation level).
Metal Foam
Formula: 3 parts Iron/Aluminium, 1 part Foaming Agent, 1 part Polytrinic Acid
Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium.
Formula: 1 part Phoron, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
Creates a large fire immediately on mixing. Only useful for grenades (Results in 1 unit instead of 3).
MindBreaker Toxin
Formula: 1 part Silicon, 1 part Hydrogen, 1 part Dylovene
A potent hallucinogenic compound. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time". Its use and distribution is illegal, but it is a precursor to several useful psychoactive medications.
Formula: 1 part Glycerol, 1 part Polytrinic Acid, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. Explodes immediately on mixing (Results in 2 units instead of 3).
Paint (Crayon Dust)
Formula: 1 part Plasticide, 3 parts Water, 1 part Crayon Dust
5 units of Paint. Crayons can be ground for colorful dust. Replace crayon dust with aluminium for white paint. Remove paint with space cleaner.
Paint (Ghetto)
Formula: 1 part Plasticide, 3 parts Water, 5 parts (Coloring agent)
5 units of Paint. The coloring agent can be milk, orange juice, tomato juice, lime juice, carrot juice, berry juice, grape juice, poison berry juice, watermelon juice, lemon juice, banana juice, potato juice, carbon, or aluminum.
Formula: 1 part Toxin, 4 parts Water
A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botanist starts with.
Polytrinic Acid
Formula: 1 part Sulphuric Acid, 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Potassium
An extremely corrosive chemical substance. Will destroy organic materials when sprayed or splashed, leaving a telltale gray sludge behind.
Potassium Chloride
Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Sodium Chloride
A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle.
Potassium Chlorophoride
Formula: 1 part Potassium Chloride, 1 part Phoron, 1 part Chloral Hydrate
A specific chemical based on Potassium Chloride to stop the heart for surgery. Not safe to eat!
Solid Phoron
Formula: 5 iron, 5 frost oil, 20 phoron
Phoron solidification.
Formula: 10 polytrinic acid, 20 plasticide
1 sheet of plastic.
Condensed Capsaicin
Formula: 2 Capsaicin, 5 Phoron (Catalyst)
Results in 1 unit of Condensed Capsaicin.
Formula: 1 part Aluminum, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Oxygen
Used to strengthen windows.
Formula: 1 part Potassium, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Phosphorous
This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Very useful if you want to make a chloral hydrate smoke grenade for riot control.
Sodium Chloride
Formula: 1 part Chlorine, 1 part Sodium
Commonly known as salt, Sodium Chloride is often used to season food.
Space Cleaner
Formula: 1 part Ammonia, 1 part Water
This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills.
Space Drugs
Formula: 1 part Mercury, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Lithium
An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and hallucinations.
Space Lube
Formula: 1 part Water, 1 part Silicon, 1 part Oxygen
Space Lube is a high performance lubricant intended for maintenance of extremely complex mechanical equipment (Results in 4 units instead of 3).
Formula: 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Dylovene, 1 part Chlorine
Sterilizes wounds in preparation for surgery.
Formula: 5 Blood, 1 clonexadone
A tasty alternative to actual meat, allegedly used for surgery.
Formula: 1 part Iron, 1 part Aluminium, 1 part Oxygen
A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited.
Unstable Mutagen
Formula: 1 part Radium, 1 part Phosphorus, 1 part Chlorine
Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany. Will cause mutations and radiation poisoning if ingested.
Formula: 1 part Oxygen, 2 parts Hydrogen
It's water. Results in one unit.
Zombie Powder
Formula: 5 parts CarpoToxin, 5 parts Soporific, 5 parts Copper
Paralyses people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests. Requires CarpoToxin, which must be harvested from Space Carp (Results in 2 units instead of 15).
Formula: 1 part MindBreaker Toxin, 1 part Hydrogen
Helps you concentrate. Prescribed for ADHD and similar conditions.
Formula: 1 part MindBreaker Toxin, 1 part Carbon
Mild antidepressant. Prescribed for depression and anxiety.
Formula: 1 part MindBreaker Toxin, 1 part Oxygen, 1 part Inaprovaline
Stronger antidepressant, with chance of hallucinations. Prescribed for severe depression.
Just because it isn't found in the dispenser or the guide above doesn't mean you can't use it! Holy water, Slime cores and plenty of other things can provide limitless fun for an enterprising and curious chemist.
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